
Crazy Jack-Face 24, 25

I know, there's been a lot of Jack-Faces lately, but this'll be the last one for a while. And for that, I thought I'd make it a little bit special. Enjoy.

"You think I trust you? That I'm gonna just do the surgery..."

"...and HOPE that you'll let me go?"

Crazy Jack-Face 20, 21, 22, 23

"What are you..."


"If you got something to watch, Cindy..."

"...GO WATCH IT!!!"


Crazy Jack-Face 19

You talked me into pushing that button once, John, but it's yours now."


Crazy Jack-Face 18

"Kate, dammit, RUN!"


up and running again...

Got the part I needed for my broken-ass computer, finally. Took me all day to get the part from the supermarket/postal office and work out a few kinks with the system when I replaced the part, but now it's like a brand new computer. Yay! Great success!


system down...

Be back when it's fixed.
I know I posted this three times, but the cell gave a an error message after I tried to publish it. Anyway, now I'm using my girlfriend's old computer while I wait for the store to get the part I need to fix my computer.