
Crazy Jack-Face 24, 25

I know, there's been a lot of Jack-Faces lately, but this'll be the last one for a while. And for that, I thought I'd make it a little bit special. Enjoy.

"You think I trust you? That I'm gonna just do the surgery..."

"...and HOPE that you'll let me go?"


Logan said...

Every Jack-Face except the face he makes when he comes. Nice!

Ricard said...

I have one where he actually comes, but it's for my eyes only, on lonely night. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hej där Rick! Blir det inte lite Oscarsbloggande snart? Vad tyckte du om vinnarna? :)

Björn said...

fy faen va äckligt...han eeeee ju så fuckin fuuu-huuul!