Went to see Casino Royale today with my girlfriend. I never thought that I'd actually go and see a Bond-movie in the theater, less actually enjoy it. This is, hands down, one of the best Bond-movies I've ever seen, if not the best. Allow me to explain.
I have grown a big distaste for the older Bond-movies, just because it's so formulaic. Every one of them has a villain that basically wants to take over the world, and Bond is the only one who has the wits and charms to weasel himself into the villain's girlfriend, wife, lover, what have you. Q, the gadget man, provides Bond with something that saves his life later in the movie.
He then has a formal meeting with the villain, just to size each other up. Then Bond is chased, but escapes from the evil henchmen. Later, Bond is trapped by the evil villain, but the villain decides to explain his master plan before he tries to kills him. Villain leaves, but Bond, with the help of Q's gadget, escapes, kills the incompetent henchman in charge of killing him, then the main villain, and goes off on a boat somewhere, while doing the nasty with the woman he weaseled himself into earlier.
That said, I actually enjoy one or two of the Bond-flicks, but only for it's campy value. The first one is Goldfinger, mainly because of the scene where the villain has Bond strapped to a table, with a laser inches away from slicing off his manhood, but decides NOT to kill him, for some ridiculous reason. The second one is The Man With The Golden Gun, because it was the first Bond-movie I ever saw. Plus, it has Christopher Lee in it. And that wacky redneck sheriff from Texas.

"Hey! You're that secret agent! That English secret agent!
From England!"
So, what did I like about this movie? First off, the dialouge is superior to any of the other movies. It also has a couple of clever visual gags, and you are smirking through almost the entire movie, sometimes even laughing. Also, no gadgets. And a lot of blood. Oh, and the new title sequence was really cool.
Daniel Craig does a very good job as a more ruthless, violent Bond. Not much else to say about his performance, really. It's spot on. Mads Mikkelsen and Eva Green likewise. Not exactly Academy Award material, but believable enough for this movie.

What didn't I like? The length. This is basically my only complaint about the movie. The movie suffers from lengthy action sequences, that not only forces you to suspend disbelief (not uncommon for the Bond franchise), but are borderline tedious. They could have easily been cut in half, and given us a tighter movie. Also, as with every Bond movie, we have the obvious product placement from Sony scattered throughout the movie. Annoying.
So, my recommendation is that if you want to see a new, fresh, improved Bond, see this movie. It's not the best movie I've seen this year, but you'll have a good time. 4 kills out of 5.
Såg den i fredags. Gillade den också. Men jaaa...lite lång kanske som du skrev. Craig är i alla fall tuff. :)
How god for u! Glad u liked it, man :)
I liked it ok, I guess, but the problem I have wth it is at least 3-fold:
1. Like u say: the action scenes r too long and the total length is not right. The movie is just filled with (xtra)action scenes to give it a Bond feel.
2. And this is important: James falls in Love, & that is sooo NOT DONE! He's NOT upposed to...NEVER - EVER!
3.James is portrayed s far too human (& fama est that he'll deveop feelings for a man in the next 1..)
I mean, please, they are trying sooo hard to portray him as 1 of us, & a modern mortal of the 21st centuryat that, fllf the 21st century values, & he just IS NOT!
By-the-by: many of your coments,I found, can be found in most reviews.
I mean, that Craig is a more ruthless & violent Bond...please, that just is sooo NO TRUE. Please have a clser look at the previous Bond with Pierce.
& a better dialogue? Whatever...
Anywho, this re-vamped James is ok, but give me Pierce any day ;) I mean, it's not Craig's fault, he's great.
Some a-hole thinks that we needed a new Bond,& perhaps we did because 99.9% like him like this.
But I don't.
By-the-by, that f-n ugly Danish fuck was rather weak...
Eva Green was ok,I guess, but I would have preferred someone a tad more sensual, & just more attractive ;)
I'm so sorry, man, my keyboard was acting up 'cause of all the booze in/on it.
But, was I "smirking through almost the entire movie?" I think not. "Sometimes even laughing?" Nope.
I did however miss gadgets & the the new title sequence toally passed me by...Did I miss it? I think not...
& was thee more blood than in Die another day? Perhaps, I don't really know & I don't really care...I mean, is that what u want from a Bond flick?
OK, we'll have to agree to disagree.
Anywho,have a nice day, man :)
havnt seen this one yet, but you sir bjorn is a smeghead, pierce+bond != true, mostly since brosnan's only good thing he did was that old tv-series where he was a detective and so on, furthermore i have to agree with ricard on some points but i truly enjoys the old flicks, mostly since they are more nostalgic than good stories but anyways.
Best bond ever is sean connor and roger moore in a almost split firstplace. Connor wins by an inch due to his excellent accent.
Anyways, will give this one a chance to repair the mistake they did by casting brosnan for too many episodes from mr. james bonds life.
björn: I find it interesting that fans of the Bond franchise has a set opinion of what a Bond movie should be like. Personally, I felt a change was needed to spark my interest. And when I say that Bond is more violent in this movie, I'm talking about the scenes where he doesn't use a gun. It's more intimate, more vicious. We didn't see that in the other Bond movies. But, as we say, to each his own.
drago: Var snäll nu. :) If you didn't like Brosnan as Bond, take a look at "The Matador". Brosnan is brilliant in that movie.
@Elgee: I know where u're coming from, but tnx for the explanation :) & I am NOT a fan of the Bond franchise, per se. Ijust perefer the ter to this 1, that's all. B no, have NOT been waiting for this Bond." & Yeah, Pierce rocked in The Matador!
@Drago: "you sir bjorn is a smeghead"
you is? r u 7, or r u just uneducated?
I do respect what u say & think, but when say "you is," I do NOT understand. If you think Pierce sux, that's fine by me & if like Moore & Connery, good for u.
Well, anywho, have a nice evening.
I really liked this one as well. I'm actually a Roger Moore Bond fan lol. Octopusy is so cool.
My biggest complaint was the length too. My bottom never lies :p
Great movie and extremely better than the last Bond movie.
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