Last year, I came close to depart this world, forever. I almost died. It's stupid, really, but I really want to write this down somewhere before it becomes a vague memory.
About 8 months ago, I was having dinner, by myself. My girl was at work, and for some reason I was in a hurry. I was wolfing down a steak, and barely chewing it. Then it happens. A piece of the steak gets stuck in my throat. I can't breathe. It's stuck. The veins in my head feels like they're gonna explode. My lips went numb, and my legs folded. I knew this was it. I'm dead.
But I didn't die. Somehow I managed to ram my back into the refrigerator, and the piece of steak I was choking on moved. After repeating this a couple of times, I swallowed it, and I could breathe again. I collapsed on the floor for a minute or so, then I felt like I was gonna throw up. I fought the urge, because I didn't want to give the steak a second chance of choking me again.
Sometimes I wonder about what would've happened if I hadn't survived that. I think about what people would've said at my burial.
Death by steak.
Only 22 years old.
So fucking futile.
I mean, we all want our deaths to be meaningful, right? Until then, I thought my death would be. But I realized that regardless of age, health, sickness, whatever, dying in vain is the conventional death.
So sorry for the emo post. At least I learned a valuable lesson; Always chew your food properly. Something I've been told since I was an infant, but we all need a reminder sometimes.
Oh my God! This put you one step closer to becoming the U.S. President! :D
Nicely done with the refrigerator...I'm not sure I'd be that creative in a situation like that. Good to still have you with us :) Now, make sure you chew your food next time ;)
Thank goodness you're okay.
I would have just laid there until my guinea pig gives my heimlich maneuver. But just in case this happens again...
To apply the Heimlich maneuver to oneself, one should make a fist with one hand and place it in the middle of the body at a spot above the navel and below the breastbone, then grasp the fist with the other hand and push sharply inward and upward. If this fails, the victim should press the upper abdomen over the back of a chair, edge of a table, porch railing or something similar, and thrust up and inward until the object is dislodged.
I'm always worried of dying by a falling coconut.
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