
top 5 porn titles...

I found these titles on bittorrent, and I thought they (the titles) were kinda funny. I'm not downloading them, I swear.

5. "Ass To Other Girls Mouth"
Yikes, too specific. Next.

4. "Smorgaswhores"

Whoo, clever.

3. "Mother Fucking Cream Pie Gang Bang 2"
Is this the movie with Jason Biggs?

2. "Attack Of The Monster Midget With A 10 Inch Cock"
Yes, this is a real title.

And now, the no. 1 porn title found on bittorrent today...
1. "Who Needs A Soulmate, Give Me A Holemate"

Honorable mention:
"Mad Sex Party Electro Cock Therapy"
Long titles are awesome.


Anonymous said...

forgot the best of them "Bend over and say ahhhh" ;)

Ricard said...

Didn't see that one. :P

Logan said...

I think that one's a gay porn title, actually. :P

Ricard said...

You would know. :P