
hell on earth...

What's more depressing than actually being out of a job? I'll tell you; being forced to work for free, which is what is on my agenda for the next month. I have a week to either get a trainee-position myself, or being put to work into the community workshop, which I hear is worse than death itself. I guess I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and hope that something good comes my way. Maybe I can try to weasel out of some hours, but still... It's gonna be really frustrating. And depressing.

I'm gonna buy a lottery ticket tomorrow, and hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

Hälsa farsan :) Han kommer bli din nya boss *höhöh*

Ricard said...

Haha, då kanske det inte blir helt värdelöst. :P Nej, vi får se hur det blir.

Anonymous said...

cool bear! can I?
Let's trade: http://www.nogg.se/upload/7191/BloggPhoto_7191_143443.jpg

a Paris for a bear, hahaha

Ricard said...

Sorry, not my bear. Otherwise I'd trade for sure. :P

Anonymous said...

K, man ( u do realize it's the jpg I want to use only? ; not the real 1...) ... well, take care!

Ricard said...

Oh right. Take it. I found it on Google anyway.

Anonymous said...

Cheers, man; take care.