
my one irrational fear...

I love fog. I don't love everything about it, it usually gets pretty cold and damp, but it makes the night beautiful. I especially love how it makes spider webs fully visible, mostly because I can avoid getting it on me, but still look at it up close. I tend to freak out when I get cobweb on me, especially in the hair. Yeah, it's one of my phobias, spiders. Not the big ones, those I can handle, but the tiny ones that could be anywhere. I get the creeps just writing about it.

I met the friend, the one that was moving. Didn't stay for long, she had to go to work, but it went more or less like I imagined it. I hope I'll see her again some time in the future.


Logan said...

Does the average human eat, like, eight spiders in their sleep every year because the spiders crawl into their mouths? :P

Ricard said...

Heard that before, and I doubt that is true. I think I eat more spiders than that. :P

Logan said...

That would explain all the extra poundage, at least. :)

Ellen Yu said...

ughhh daddy long legs are creepy. I think all of those legs just creep me out.

Ricard said...

I love Daddy Long Legs. Especially with a bit of whipped cream and strawberries. :P