
who do they think I am? martha stewart?

Busy day. Today I applied for no more than three jobs, and none of which is a job I actually want. I had a meeting at the unemployment office, and after talking about what I should and should not do, the guy shoves a stack of papers in my hand and says "apply for these jobs, or you'll lose all your future privileges."

Very well. I went home and started writing. The first job was as a receptionist in another town not too far away from here. The last day for sending in the application was today. Close call. The second job was as a salesman for mobile phones. It's located about an hour from here. Not looking foward going back and forth every single morning and evening, but what the hell, I'll do it.

Now, this is where it gets interesting. The third job was as a furniture salesman. That's what the title said anyway. The description said something else. It said that I will visit decorating offices and architects, and help them to coordinate living rooms and stuff like that. They also want someone with an education in interior design (but it's not a requirement, mind you). They also want someone who has worked with furniture before (but it's not a requirement, mind you). I will have to count on doing sleepovers 4 nights a week when I'm working. Also, I need to be able to speak English.

Why the fuck did they dump a job like that in my lap? The only requirement I met was that I speak English, like every other loser in this country. Anyway, I signed the damn form with my previous experience and education, but I doubt they will even consider me, thankfully. I can't even imagine having a job like that. Maybe if I'm getting like $7000 a month for it.

By the way, I fucking hate Martha Stewart.

Thanks to forbes.com for the Martha-picture.


Anonymous said...

Usch. Not looking forward till mitt ungdomsmöte på AMS nu på måndag!
Btw, visste du att moral och präkttanten Martha Stewart suttit inne? :P

Ricard said...

Klart jag visste det. :)

Logan said...

Watching you not get a job gives evil Martha a big Martha-boner. :)