
yes, it is over...

Yeah, I took the nighttime job. As of today, I'm a receptionist. At a hotel. Sure, it'll be a tough time working those hours, but I think I made the right choice. I'm gonna stop writing here for a while, now that I'm settling in. I'll be back, though.

Funny thing I should mention; I beat out more than a hundred other applicants, maybe even two hundred, I'm not sure. I asked my new boss how many had applied for this job, and he showed how high the stack of papers were between his thumb and his index finger, and people, it was a really big stack. I don't know what I did in the interview, or what happened, but I'm mighty honored that I was chosen over all those other people. I guess everyone catches a break every once in a while.



Logan said...

Hooray! You'll survive, RC. Once you adjust to the schedule, it'll be fine. And if you're bored at the reception desk at night, you can teach yourself to knit! Yaaaaay! :)

Ricard said...

Knitting? Knever! :P I must say, I'm pretty nervous, now in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, u'll do just fine!

This must be your anthem now ;):


don't know if u know this, but their best work is on their latest oil on canvas...80's new romantics...

Anywho, I wish u all the best, man!

Anonymous said...

Skaffa en jäkla lappis till jobbet och fixa trådlöst (garanterar dig att du får tillgång till det) och late-night blogga istället .. höhöhö.

BTW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mjGOd3wg4A måste älska värnamo .. eller inte, skrattade ganska bra när jag såg den.

Gratz till jobbet btw.

Ricard said...

Dom har datorer med internet vid receptionen som man får surfa på, men jag tänkte ligga lågt nu i början iallafall. :P

Drago, länken din funkar inte.

Tack för lyckönskningarna, både björn och drago.

Anonymous said...
