To be unemployed, fired or turned down a job is a mixture of feelings very much like the ones you feel when you're in the dating scene. Being unemployed is like being single, looking for someone. Being fired feels like when you're breaking up with someone, and you are on the recieving end. And being turned down job, well, it's feels like when someone turns down, let's say, a date.
I have been out of a job for about a month now. I have been unemployed before, but I was only seventeen, and hadn't had that much experience, which was usually the reason why most companies would turn me down. But I did find a job eventually. Now that I have experience, they could just as easily say "sorry, but I just don't find you attractive." Same thing.
The unemployment office is like that "friend" who fixes you up on dates, but only with the ones who are as desperate as yourself. And they are all boring. And stupid. And greasy. And they smell like shit. I tell my "friend" that I want someone with intelligence, humour and someone who smells good, just once. But they are all already taken. "This is all I have for you. The nice ones want... other people. Better people."
I need to find better friends.
You're welcome to move to the U.S., apply for a working visa, and live at my apartment. Everything's local. ;)
Come live with me. Be my gay lover and get a free visa. ;)
I'll have to think about that. Lina might be disappointed. :P
Bra skrivet. Jag vet hur det känns och jag vet hur mycket jag avskyr AMS och dessa meningslösa möten...
Hoppas någon smart figur därute inser din potential och ger dig ett jobb! :)
Tack, Clara. :) Det hoppas jag också.
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